Please read & complete this agreement, review the terms, sign and email to []. Thank you!

Dear New Client: 


Welcome to the magic of coaching! I look forward to working with you. Please read through this entire document and let me know if you have questions. The last page is the Coaching Agreement. Please fill that out as directed, note your agreement with your initials and then return that page to me as an email attachment.) 


THE CO-CREATIVE RELATIONSHIP The relationship between a coach and client is Co-Creative, meaning that we are equals. 


I am not a therapist, counselor or consultant when I am acting as a trained coach using honed communication skills to support you as a thinking partner. Together we create more power for you to effect meaningful change and take dynamic actions towards your goals. 


YOUR ROLE • Please take time before each session to determine what you’d like to take away from the session. This is called the “Client Agenda”. Please email me your agenda and any background information needed 24 hours prior to each session. Treat our coaching as the valuable investment that it is. Protect your investment by showing up to every session on time and setting an intention to be centered, ready to engage and take meaningful actions. • Give me feedback in the moment about your coaching experience. 

MY ROLE • I will listen closely to you, respond to what I hear and ask questions. If I hear something in your voice or language that sparks an intuitive thought, I’m likely to ask you about it. Often, it is the small moments that bring about big shifts. If I’m not on target, just tell me. I’m not attached to being right.



At the end of the session, if you do not set specific actions you are ready to take, I may make a coach request. I ask clients to stretch themselves, deepen the work done in the sessions by writing, taking some action, resolving relationships or things that feel incomplete. You are always free to negotiate, accept or decline.


 EXTRA TIME Between sessions, if you have questions, a brief update, or want to bounce some ideas around, please contact me by email. If it seems best, I may suggest a brief phone call or to add that as an agenda item for our next session. Ways You Can Get More From Your Coaching Experience 


  • Make our coaching sessions a priority. Come to every call with a specific agenda. 
  • Complete what you agree to do in between sessions. Integrate what you learn. 
  • Be open-minded. Try new approaches. Experiment. 
  • Be willing to change your beliefs and patterns if they do not serve you anymore. 

   Rules & Guidelines to adhere by


  • Please budget for this investment. 
  • Payment is due in advance before each single session.
  • If you choose one of the platinum packages, the full amount must be paid in advance & thereafter on the 1st day of every month.
  • If your payment is unpaid before our session, your session will be canceled. 
  • Please make certain funds are available.  
  • If you need to cancel, please cancel within 24 hours or (1) day before our session otherwise your session is still payable.
  • I accept:  Zelle & Cash app.

Client Data and Coaching Terms of Agreement


Please complete this agreement, review the terms, sign and email to []. Thank you!


Client Name:  




City, State, Zip: 


Day Phone:  


Evening Phone:









Fees: $      


Package chosen [fill in your package specifics]


Duration of session: minutes per session


Session Day:  Monday      Tuesday      Wednesday      Thursday      Friday


Session Time:  am      pm      PT      MT      CT      ET            Other:  


BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 10 am -6 pm Central standard time.  




Email me  for our sessions.

If you call in and get my voicemail, please call back after one full minute.

Please do not leave a message and wait for me to call you back.


For all zoom appointments, please make sure that you send me an invite 24 hrs in advance to ensure no double up appointments.

Please sign, date & send back to me @


Coach: Date: My date stands per clients signature.                   Client_____                   Date:______